2 - Musings from España

July 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

 Guten Tag,


Being around so many international travelers, I've begun to mix up my 'Hellos...


A few observations about Spain, from an old white guy.

  • Taggers typically hit only closed roll-up security gates covering storefronts, and not the building itself
  • Locals are diligent about picking up after their dog but have no problem randomly flicking their numerous cigarette butts about
  • Dishes containing eggs appear to be universal regardless of the mealtime, but we’ve only seen chicken offered on one menu
  • While on the metro the other day, I was the victim of a failed pickpocket attempt
  • Traffic laws are guidelines only and are not to be followed by drivers
  • Guidelines are irrelevant to motorcycle or scooter riders
  • Pedestrians are considered targets
  • Paper towel dispensers for restaurant bathrooms have yet to be discovered
  • We saw a dead guy in a plaza the other day
  • The back seats of Spain’s taxis are far more comfortable than the beds
  • Despite words to the contrary, America has Always Been Great
  • Women of all ages have no problem powering up Spain’s heavily cobbled streets in high heels and short skirts
  • The other day during one of our many stops for tapas and wine, we were serenaded by a 20-something guy playing ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ on a sax
  • The other day during another one of our many stops for tapas and wine, we were serenaded by a 20-something guy endlessly playing the opening guitar riff from Cream’s ‘Sunshine of Your Love’
  • Before becoming a 20-something guy, the only guitar riff I ever learned to play was Cream’s ‘Sunshine of Your Love’
  • It’s been nearly two weeks since we’ve been relieved of our housekeeping duties to our 4-legged roommates, Abbey and Lahni


The other day during yet another one of our many stops for tapas and wine, we sat in a table-filled patio next to a small group of Brits. Like all friends out enjoying a sunny day with food and drink, they talked amongst themselves on a variety of topics. Suddenly, this matronly British woman starts in on having visited a nude beach. She was aghast at one particular female beach-goer who, apparently, spread her legs in this woman’s direction. The Brit went up to this nude-loving beachgoer and gave her hell over exposing herself. This lead to a lengthy discussion at their table about bondage, male piercings in ‘unusual’ places, fetishes, the use of condoms, homosexuality, and some fairly raunchy talk about sex in general. Mary & I sat in quiet contemplation as we couldn’t help but hear the entire conversation. Entertaining, yes. Educational, nah.


Walking the streets of southern Spain today, we came across several examples of wall art. I’m particularly fascinated with this first one. Spend some time looking at it and see all it has to offer beyond the squiggly lines and black dots.


 Start with the cat face in the lower right

Inline image 1


Here are a few more of the many paintings we saw.


Inline image 2     Inline image 4


In general, the narrow cobblestoned streets were made long before cars were born, so todays driver has to adapt. Many times we witnessed 8’1” wide vehicles maneuver down an 8’4” lane sandwiched between buildings, at harrowing speeds. What we haven’t witnessed are scraped walls or missing side-view mirrors. My proposed business model of franchising ‘Andy’s Plaster Wall Repair & Side-view Mirror Replacement’ business just got shot all to hell! Oh well, retirement is kinda nice.


When we weren’t looking to improve our caloric intake with daily stops for gelato, we managed to squeeze in a self-guided tour of The Alhambra – originally built in AD 889 as an Islamic fortress, the final transformation into a palace was completed in the mid-1300’s. However, for centuries it has continually evolved due to neglect and ruling power struggles by Christian Monarchs. Today it stands as an important tourist attraction to the economy of Granada.

     Inline image 5   Alahambra A&M 9382Alahambra A&M 9382   Inline image 6

 The Alhambra by day and night, as seen from a hilltop across the canyon

   Inline image 7   Inline image 8

 The Islamic architecture of an interior wall, including a close-up of the detail.


Although there are numerous Michelin-starred restaurants throughout Spain, most of the stops for tapas and wine we have experienced only ‘Fair’ to 'Good' food. Granted, eating at a 3-stared restaurant doesn’t compare to a 2-euro tapa in Spain, but you would hope the level of innovative cuisine would be somewhat elevated by all the great chefs here.


With the lower fare of dining we’ve experienced so far and to paraphrase Humphrey Bogart, “We’ll always have gelato.”




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