‘Twas a week after Christmas and all across town,
The government was shut down because of a clown.
The Donald tweets daily that the Dems are to blame,
When it’s really his party that’s caused him this shame.
He promised the world a big beautiful wall,
But now two years in he’s built nothing at all.
The children are locked-up all snug in their cages,
While outside their prison, a political battle still rages.
“I’m proud to shut down the government,” T said.
But those who've been furloughed feel nothing but dread
The president just returned from his surprise trip to Iraq,
But can’t make up his mind, “Build a wall or a slat?”
Now Hunter. Now McConnell. Now VP Mike Pence.
On Ryan. On Collins. Does any of this make sense?
Trump must think that we’re all filled with gratitude,
But the majority view it as pure ineptitude.
So now and in closing, I wish for good news,
But the future looks grim and just gives me the blues.
Happy New Year to all!