Twas a month after the election and in bizarre MAGA world
Bogus chants of conspiracy still wriggled and swirled.
Trump surely thought Melissa could bring Biden down
But on national TV, she proved quite the clown.
“Dead people voted,” she said in a snit
Is she playing in a comedy, a spoof or a skit?
Meanwhile there’s Rudy with hair dye on his face
This GOP shit-show it’s such a disgrace.
Over 50 voter fraud lawsuits hoping for a red party coup
Thank goodness the judges bid them farewell and adieu.
Should we gargle with Clorox, as a COVID disinfectant
Is that really how Fauci wants to keep us protected?
“We’re rounding the corner, rounding the final turn.”
Donald, please stop with the lies - Oh how we all yearn!
“Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it dominate your life”
But to the 300,000+ families, that cuts just like a knife.
As Donnie’s out on the links with daily conviction
Millions may soon have to face cruel eviction.
He sure does love the trappings and title of President
But his lacking in leadership skills is rather self-evident
He's done nothing the past four years but play to his base
Yet to the civilized world he's just been a disgrace
It may seem fun to watch these schadenfreude moments
Unfortunately, they’re just a few of Trump’s dismal bestowments.
Get out of the White House and take your cabal
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
We tried to acquire masks by any and all means
Then loaded up on toilet paper, sanitizer and beans
Hair salons closed, so we just let it grow
Then spent our free time baking all-things sourdough.
We sure lost some great icons this year 2020
I’ll list a few here although there were plenty.
Good Bye, Kobe Bryant, the King of the Courts
Farewell RBG, you Queen of the Torts.
Despite being beaten with bats and lead pipes
John Lewis fought hard to insure everryones rights.
#saytheirnames marchers filled the streets with their cries
After George and Brianna met with their horrible demise.
We lost Regis, Kirk Douglas and frantic Little Richard
Plus Sean ‘James Bond’ Connery who liked it “Shaken, not stirred.”
Alex Trebek, you have asked your last Jeopardy! question
While music won’t be the same without Eddy Van Halen.
James Lipton, during your career you interviewed the greats
Now what would God say when you arrive at his Pearly Gates?
But the election’s long over, the voting is done
Even the recounts confirmed that the BLUE party won.
Now after four years we are all so weary and tired
So I’ll end it with this - Donald, YOUR FIRED!