Sleepless in Fairbanks

March 09, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Dashing through the snow
On a Ski-Doo Snow Machine
O’er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Ha Ha Ha

Laughing all the way until we came across a fellow Ski-Doo’er who, in a semi-drunken state, managed to fall through a patch of ice and get his snowmobile half-submerged in the near-freezing water. With 3 people tugging and pulling and Eli, our guide, at the throttle, we got the drowned Ski-Doo out of the water, sending the inebriated local Alaskan on his way.
Drunk, guide, meDrunk, guide, me
      The drunk, our guide, me.
Before pulling over to offer AAA-style roadside assistance, we had been zipping along the snowy birch-lined trails, reaching speeds of nearly 40 MPH. Most of the tour was at a more moderate pace, allowing us plenty of time to enjoy the scenery.

Snow machine 2Snow machine 2

    Dashing through the snow

Stumbling back to our hotel room most nights (mornings?) between 3:30 - 4:00 am, we quickly shower and fall into bed. After too few hours of sleep, we sleepwalk towards breakfast. After several days of this routine, the tiredness is exhausting, and sleep constantly threatens to take over on the other side of my drooping eyelids.

Monday morning, we got to our room at 4:11 am and got into bed close to 5:00 am, or when other people are starting to wake up. Even during the heavy drinking days of my 20s, I never was out that late.

However, in all of Mary and my travels, few experiences have been as dramatic and impactful to me as the events of last night, which made the very late night worth it.

Lindsay, an acquaintance from a past trip to Alaska, guide extraordinaire, and chauffeur through the icy roads of Fairbanks, kept saying, “The lights should be out in about 15 minutes.” “Just wait another 20 minutes or so, and the lights will be out.” “All the data is pointing toward a spectacular show.”

By 2:00 am, Mary and I were losing hope the lights would make this purported ‘spectacular appearance.’

And then, we couldn’t shoot photos fast enough to capture what was happening in the sky.
M&A auroraM&A aurora S-curved auroraaS-curved auroraa
That's it for today. I gotta go and get dressed in 17 layers of wool for another night in the cold. It's -16F right now, with a forecast of -27F at 3:00 am.


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