For the past several months around noon, Yolanda and I have been going for a 30-minute walk—our typical route is up a busy street right outside of our office building. Walking past a mixture of residences and businesses, the aroma of burritos, tacos, and other Mexican food fills the lunchtime air. As the street makes a slight curve on its climb, we take a turn into a residential area and continue up a steeper incline. At the top of this hill, we have a great view of the valley off in the distance, backing up against the local mountains.
As the walk progresses, we drop back down into another mixture of businesses and residential homes. Along the way, we joke about customers past and present, talk about food, and if time permits, work to solve local and global problems. We also carry a pocket full of treats, stopping to say hello to the various dogs along the way. It's a nice break from sitting in front of the computer all day long, schlepping virtual pallets of freight.
Today started off as no different than any other. The weather was in the upper 60's, low 70's, with a gentle breeze blowing. The sky was a mixture of bright blue and white wispy clouds. Perfect walking weather! As we started, we hadn't been walking too far when we heard the beat of Mexican music coming from a house just up ahead. As we got closer and the rhythmic pounding from the speakers got louder, we both glanced into the house through the open front door the music was coming from, and noticed someone dancing to the music. Dancing may not be the correct term, as they were really 'shaking their booty' more than anything else.
This 'booty' however, was rather large, loose, and flabby, and having a rather difficult time containing itself inside the spandex confines of the dancer's outfit. Just as we glanced in, the spandex decided it had had enough of this torture and slipped down to show much more than I'm sure the dancer had wanted to show, especially to passersby out on the sidewalk. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or run like hell! Getting that image out of my head may be difficult - I think we both may be scarred for life.
The moral of this tale is: Dance like no one is watching, but please close the door!