South Africa & Zimbabwe 2022 - 1 of 4

September 23, 2022  •  Leave a Comment



Living in the present day has, among many other things, given us the ability to carry a portable computer disguised as a phone that easily slips into a pants pocket, battery-powered cars that can park themselves, untold medical breakthroughs, and 73 flavors of ice cream. Arguably though, one of the best things that living in the present day (outside of 73 ice cream flavors) is the chance to easily travel to see multiple worlds that simultaneously exist within this world.


Years ago, I realized that when Mary & I travel, we, in fact, take three separate trips. Research, planning, and anticipation are all part of the first trip we take. The second is while we’re on the actual trip – the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, flora, fauna, people, and places we experience. The last trip is the memories and stories we recall once we get home and back into our daily lives and routines. 


Whatever part of the trip I’m in, I try to be present and enjoy every moment, regardless of how jet lagged I am.




March 2021


Although Mary & I are from the generation that put sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll firmly in the American lexicon, people are currently donning Haz-mat suits and carrying backpacks filled with various forms of sanitizer (spray, gel, and wipes) just to go outside and walk the dog.


Despite receiving both initial doses of the vaccine, traveling was the farthest thing from our minds. That is until I received a monthly newsletter from a tour company that specializes in African safaris.


The newsletter spoke of the many benefits of traveling to Africa now:

  • Airfares are as much as 75% lower than usual.
  • Extensive testing is done at airports and on all guests and staff at the near-empty lodges and camps.
  • A wetter than normal rainy season has turned the dry veld into a lush smorgasbord of vegetation. 
  • Wide-open spaces with very few people with whom to interact.


Since going on a safari was to be a gift to one another as we celebrate our upcoming 40th wedding anniversary, why not move it up a year and take advantage of the situation? 


We want to think we’re as careful as any other sane person, and science indicates that Covid vaccines are nearly 100% effective against serious infection, hospitalization, or even death. Like millions of others, we’ve been vaccinated and willingly wear a mask while out in public. The infection rates are steadily decreasing, so what’s stopping us?


With a credit card in hand, our billing information is sent to the tour operator for our planned itinerary. Airlines tickets are booked for an August ’21 departure - with so few people currently traveling and the airlines desperate to fill seats, we get to sit behind the driver’s seat for the cost typically associated with riding in the back, where seats and bodies are wedged tighter than impacted teeth.


Our suitcases are pulled from the rafters. Cameras and lenses are dusted off. Passports are updated. We’ve been educated on all medications and vaccines needed in South Africa.


We’re ready to go!




Covid numbers are starting to climb again. With the genuine possibility of having to quarantine for two weeks in a Johannesburg hotel room should we test positive while out in the bush, we decide it’s best to postpone our travels until 2022.




August 22nd, 2022


With all the excitement of a fat kid entering a candy store with a $20 bill clenched in his chubby little fingers, we settle into the generous confines of our personal Qsuite onboard Qatar Airways Airbus A350.

Mary settling in to Qatar Airways Qsuite, on our way to JohannesburgMary settling in to Qatar Airways Qsuite, on our way to Johannesburg

After reading two books, watching several movies, listening to countless songs, spending nearly 25 hours in the air with close to 40 hours of total travel time, and approximately 12,400 air miles covered, we arrive in Johannesburg. We’re a bit dinged and drained but dying to get out into the bush.


Join us, as Mary and I take you on our journey to South Africa and Zimbabwe.





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