Epilogue: Prima donnas , failed attempts, and a weird love child

November 17, 2012  •  1 Comment

Day 8

Weather report:  -8C, and calm winds (the heat wave continues to build)

This trip had been in the planning stages for a number of years, but the bitter cold kept holding us back, and a lack of suitable long-sleeved shorts.  We did have a failed attempt about 2 years ago, but had to cancel at the last minute.  All during this time, I had always hoped there would be a chance to see the northern lights, but knew if we didn’t, there were plenty of other opportunities in the future.  To be able to see both bears and the lights in one week was a very special treat.  It was disappointing we didn't get to see more bears, but since the bulk of our trips are to spend time in the wild looking for animals, you get what you get.

For the most part, the other guests on the trip were friendly and we all got along well.  There was one lady traveling alone, who was an obnoxious prima donna.  She claimed to be a professional photographer, but by the number and types of questions she asked, it was quite obvious she had no clue what she was doing, and she had no respect for the other guests or guides.

The weather was a bit cooler than what we're used to in San Diego, but the 23 layers of long underwear made the cold & wind bearable.  However, with 96 lbs. of clothing on and looking like some weird love child between the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the Michelin Man, it made it difficult to move about.  The cold really only affected our faces and hands, since they were the most exposed.  Mary also complained about cold toes, but even in the heat of summer, her feet get cold.

If you've followed along this far, I hope you enjoyed vicariously traveling thru Churchill with us!  More photos will be posted soon, and we'll let you know when they are up. 


We leave you with a mother, a cub and a nose.



Thanks for the great posts and the wonderful pictures. I have never seen the Northern Lights but maybe someday. I enjoyed your sense of humor. Well written and enjoyable all around. Where are you going next?
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